You would be surprised how many people have not even heard of Sutherland. At its mention they look vague. Ahh – Hadrian’s Wall? No, that’s Sunderland in England. Sutherland, is in the Highlands of Scotland and one of the largest counties in Europe covering 5,252 square kilometres. With a population of under 13,000 this works out at close to 100 acres per head. I know. It seems unlikely, but is true. You won’t be finding urban sprawl in Sutherland. Just the most wondrous Scottish hills, mountains, moors, rivers, lochs, empty spaces, wilderness and an exquisite coastline.
It is curious that this special, remote and beautiful place remains relatively unknown and quite literally off the beaten track. There is the distance to consider of course; it’s very far north. Brora, which I am hoping you will come and visit is about 96km from Inverness, which is 600km from London. If you’re flying in from Canada, USA or Europe this is not such an issue because airport connections are excellent. Once here, unless you’re a dedicated long-distance two-wheeler, you’ll definitely need a car.
These blog posts are going to be very short, and will run into each other rather like a non-stop one-sided conversation. I’ll try to throw a little light on this amazing place that I love so much, that so many others do as well. Once discovered, Sutherland is never forgotten.